Pasternack has more than 40'000 different RF components in stock - especially those special, hard-to-find coaxial connectors and adapters and the largest selection of off-the-shelf coaxial amplfiers.
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RF amplifiers (broadband, low noise, power, benchtop, modules, USB controlled. 10MHz - 40GHz). Brochure RF amplifiersAdapters for RF and microwave (1.0mm to 7/16)
Antennas (GSM, RFID, WLAN, Omni and Panel, connectors: TNC, N, SMA, NMO Adapter for SMA, FME, BNC, N, TNC)
Attenuators (2.9mm, 7/16, BNC, F, N, SMA, TNC, also step and programmable attenuators)
Bias Tees (100kHz-50GHz, 2.4mm, 3.5mm, SMA, N)
Circulators (SMA- or N-connector, broadband up to 26.5GHz
Coaxial cable assemblies for RF (coaxial, 1.6/5.6, 1.85mm, 2.4mm, 3.5mm, BNC, C, F, FAKRA, FME, GR874, HN, LC, MC, MCX, MHV, Mini 75 Ohm SMB, Mini UHF, MMCX, N, NMO, QMA, QN, QSMA, reverse Polarity MCX, SMA, SMB, SMC, SMP, SSMA, SSMB, TNC, UHF, UMCX)
Coaxial cable 50 Ohm flexible in bulk (precision RF cable, PE-B400, PE-B405, PE-C100, PE-C195, PE-C200, PE-C240, PE-C300, PE-C400, PE-C500, PE-C600, RG122/U, RG8A/U, RG8X, RG55B/U, RG58C/U, RG58-P, RG71B/U, RG122/U, RG141A/U, RG142B/U, RG174A/U, RG178B/U, RG188A/U, RG188-DS, RG196A/U, RG213/U, RG214/U, RG217/U, RG218/U, RG219/U, RG223/U, RG225/U, RG303/U, RG316/U, RG316-DS, RG393/U, RG400/U, RG402, RG405)
Coaxial cable 75 Ohm flexible in bulk (HD precision cable Mini-59 in black, blue, red, green, white, yellow, RG6A/U, RG6-CATV, RG11A/U, RG59-P, RG179B/U, RG187A/U, RG216/U, RG302/U, RG59B/U)
Coaxial cable 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm semi rigid (outer conducter copper or tinned aluminium, various diameters, RG402U)
Coaxial crimping tools and torque wrenches
Connector caps (with securing chain for 7/16, BNC, C, HN, N, SMA, SMB, SMC, SSMA, TNC
Connectors for coaxial cable (1.0/2.3, 1.6/5.6, 1,85mm, 10/32, 2,4mm, 2,92mm, 3,5mm, 3/4", 7/16, Banana, BNC, C, D-Sub, F, FAKRA, FME, GR874, HN, LC, MC Card, MCX, MHV, Mini SMB, Mini SMP, Mini UHF, MMCX, N, QMA, QN, RCA, Reverse Polarity, Reverse Thread, SC, SHV, SMA, SMB, SMC, SMP, SSMA, SSMB, Tees (Verzweigungen), TNC, Twinax, UHF, UMCX)
Contacts and gaskets, screws, nuts
Couplers, hybrids, tappers (7/16 DIN, N, SMA, 380MHz-18GHz, RF power couplers up to 600W ave., 2kW-3kW peak)
DC-Blocks (2.4mm, 2.92mm, BNC, BNC 75 Ohm, F, N, N 75 Ohm, SMA, TNC, 10MHz-50GHz)
Detectors RF and microwave (with Schottky diodes, biased and zero-bias, BNC and SMA, up to 26.5GHz, logarithmic detector 3GHz)
Double balanced mixers (SMA, 2GHz - 18GHz)
Fibre-optic cables (Single Mode, Multi Mode, Toslink)
Fibre-optic components (adapters and attenuators for FC, LC, SC, ST, loopbacks for LC, SC, MTRJ)
Filters (bandpass for GSM, UMTS, LTE, RFID, GPS L1, GPS L2, ISM 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz, highpass, lowpass, tunable)
Frequency doublers (SMA, 1.5GHz - 13GHz)
Isolators (SMA- or N-connector, broadband up to 26.5GHz)
Limiters (based on PIN diodes oder Schottky diodes, SMA, 0.5GHz-18GHz)
Matching pads 50/75 Ohm(coaxial, BNC or N connectors)
Noise generators (1GHz-18GHz)
Phase shifters (100W ave. 3kW peak, e.g. DC-18GHz SMA, 26.5GHz-40GHz 2.92mm connector)
Phase trimmers (SMA, RG405, DC-18GHz, up to 180° phase shift)
Power dividers (2-way 50 Ohm DC-50GHz, also 3-way, 4-way, 6-way, 8-way, 12-way, 75Ohm)
Surge protectors (N connector, DC - 3GHz, 200W)
Switches coaxial (BNC, N, SMA, Transfer Switches, Relay Switches, PIN diode switches, DPDT, SPDT, SP4T, SP6T, SP10T)
Terminations 50Ohm or 75Ohm(precision terminations 2.92mm, 7/16, BNC, C, N, QMA, SMA, SMB, SMC, SMP, TNC, high power)
Test accessories (VNA cal kits, VNA test cables)
Test cables VNA high precision (N, SMA, TNC and combinations, phase stable to 65GHz, armoured)
Waveguide standard gain horn antennas(1.7GHz - 40GHz, 10dB, 15dB or 20dB gain, for waveguides WR28, WR34, WR42, WR51, WR62, WR75, WR90, WR102, WR112, WR137, WR159, WR187, WR229, WR284, WR430)
Waveguide terminations (7GHz-40GHz, 50W-300W, coax-waveguide-adapter 2.92mm, 7mm, N, SMA)